Agenda item

Healthwatch programme of work - 22/23 Progress Report


The Healthwatch Manager (HM) updated the Board on the activities of Healthwatch since April 2022.


Healthwatch had five board members and interviews for an additional member were being undertaken. There were plans to recruit more volunteer board members as to improve representation from Barking and Dagenham. Membership of Healthwatch rose by 70.


30 pop up and engagement sessions had been held and Healthwatch attended the Mental Health Users Group. The feedback from the group was good and they had invited Healthwatch to return.


Healthwatch has sought to raise its profile and, during the reporting period has engaged with 622 people. The HM disclosed that dental care was identified by residents as a major issue and would have a major impact.

The HM highlighted two projects; Healthy Living and Pre-Frailty.


In relation to Healthy Living the HM stated that:


·  126 responses were received;

·  40 pieces of information was received;

·  9 recommendations were made; and

·  Barking and Dagenham Council had responded positively.


HM disclosed that residents were basing their conclusions on obesity on self-perception and were not checking their actual BMI which was a source of concern.


Feedback was also received in relation to how the health living service was taking into consideration ethnicity, religion and general culture awareness. Healthwatch had made recommendations in relation to this and would be following them up in two months.


In relation to Pre-Frailty, Healthwatch’s report had been shared with stakeholders in London working in Anticipatory Care, to help others in its implementation. The report had uploaded to the London NHS Future website. Additionally, the findings were being used to develop a pilot model for pre-frailty care in Barking and Dagenham. The findings were also being reviewed on a national level.


GP practice websites were reviewed following residents’ feedback on accessibility and ease of use. The draft report would be sent to NHS North East London for feedback and would be shared with the Board once feedback had been received. Another project, which was part of the wider maternity strategy, looked at pathways from antenatal to postnatal care and involved surveying 900 women across North East London via the use of interviews. The findings have been submitted to NHS North East London and NHS England. The HM regretted that she could not share the findings with the Board at this point but said that the report would be published in due course.


The HM then outlined the work in progress for the remaining period between October 2022 and March 2023. Among the projects outlined included:


·  Who Knows? - which would consist of ascertaining how high the profile of Healthwatch was among residents;

·  EHCP- this would involve visiting schools to talk to parents and children via focus groups. The plan was still being finalised and would not be completed until February 2023;

·  Health Visiting- this piece of work was ongoing and would not been completed until February 2023. 47 responses from residents had been received at the time of the Board meeting; and

·  Enter and View Visits- Healthwatch’s Board had challenged the focus on health programmes and would like to see work undertaken on social care.


The DPH suggested that services were not being targeted at groups in the community that require them most and cited lifestyle and frailty services. In relation to maternity services suggested that, for the Board’s assurance, a report be compiled on maternity services in Barking and Dagenham as the DPH noted Barking and Dagenham has a higher birth-rate than the national average.


In response to questioning, the BHRUT representative stated that BHRUT would respond to the report and to address any recommendations. Additionally, BHRUT would prepare a report for the Board next year. The HM clarified that Healthwatch’s maternity report would address issues on a North East London basis.


Addressing concerns from the Board in relation to engagement, the Chair emphasised that the new area community hubs would offer a new source of engagement for residents and that this would be beneficial going forward.


The Board noted the report.

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