Agenda item

Domestic Abuse Update


Strategic oversight, governance –


  • The VAWG Strategic Group had been re-established and underneath this sits the MARAC Steering Group and MARAC itself
  • There is a Woman’s Safety Group currently in operation that sits under the Community Safety Partnership.
  • Tri-borough VAWG Strategic Group and Tri brought police and local authority lead meeting
  • A Woman’ Safety Forum is in the process of being established following the Woman’s safety Q&A


Learning and Development Offer:


  • Toolkits in relation to domestic abuse is available to all staff and professionals on our Internet and Intranet sites with information such as: domestic abuse from what it is, how to recognise it, how I can talk to somebody, how to make a basic safety plan where I can refer on to etc.
  • The lbbd Internet has been updated in terms of our community members and people who may be accessing, looking for information, advice and guidance and support so that the website has been divided into professionals area and a community area and the content completely changed to try and give people and communities, the tools that they need to respond to domestic abuse issues as they're presenting to them.
  • A domestic abuse learning and commissioning lead has been commissioned and will launch a learning and development programme from the 1st April 2023.
  • The council learning programme whereby the content of that programme is broad and wide-ranging, but ranges from things like what does barking and what does domestic abuse look like in Barking and Dagenham, with focuses on intersectionality’s, it has course on child and adolescent parent to violence and abuse. We have courses on the difference between domestic abuse and parental conflict.
  • There is an additional enhanced offer in terms of learning development from our Cranston who will provide learning around how to work with perpetrators and how to assess perpetrators, what to do when working with perpetrators and where you can refer them to.
  • A tool has been commissioned to help us assess the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people.
  • The MARAC protocol has had complete refresh of that and several related processes and  pathways across the MARAC to other groups. Once approved this will be circulated and added to our Internet sites.


Commissioning Service Offer


Children and Young People -


  • The Reset programme supports children and young people who are displaying concerning behaviours, either in terms of potential to become a perpetrator or potential to become a victim of domestic abuse.
  • Domestic Abuse (locality workers) are sitting within the family hubs and support children and young people and building links into schools and youth clubs and places where people where young people are to have those conversations – this will help with early education work.
  • An online and information advice and guidance and wellbeing service for children and young people is being created so that they can access support as they are impacted by domestic abuse, whether that be within parent or carer relationships or themselves.


Vulnerable Adults:


  • IDVAS service to support adults, with mental health, substance mis-use, disabilities
  • Domestic Abuse locality workers are also working with adult victims on an early intervention level
  • Women Safety Officer (Cranstoun)  - provide primary support to victims under the Cranstoun offer.


Perpetrator commissioned services (to be launched):


  • Education and behaviour changed programme (Cranstoun) – 6 week online education intervention, with an aftercare programme particularly developed on fathers
  • DA perpetrator/behaviour locality workers – this service will provide links to the community and voluntary sector and act as a key link for schools within the area
  • Perpetrator temporary accommodation – a dedicated unit within the Foyer to use while perpetrators engage in Cranstoun Programme




  • This year we had a successful bid to Ava to bring in some additional resources to support us, to deliver excellence and homeless and housing services and what that is a group of survivors and people with lived experiences who have been trained and brought together by Ava, who are going to work really closely with us to help us identify issues within our services and areas for improvement and then work with us in a kind of Co design Co production way to think about some of those solutions.
  • Champions Scheme - Both workforce and community and linked to safe havens will be rolling out next year, so getting that up and running is going to be a key priority for the group.
  • Drafting the new VAWG Strategy in line with the Serious Violence Duty
  • The Domestic Homicide Review will provide new learning on how partners can best support victims of domestic violence.