Agenda item

RESTRICTED: Domestic Homicide Review Update


·  The CSP have appointed Standing Together Against Domestic Violence (STADV) to chair this non-complex DHR following a domestic homicide occurred in October 2022.

·  The CSP have collated all the relevant point of contact for each organisation/agency that the victim and perpetrator would have had contact with and have shared this with STADV as a part of the DHR chairs scoping exercise


·  The first panel meeting covered the following:


- Outline of DHR process and roles of Review Panel, Independent Chair, STADV Admin and Manager and CSP

- Support for panel members and secondary trauma

- Definitions of Domestic Violence and Coercive Control

- Police provide summary of case

- Summary of Agency involvement in the case


·  The review will pause during the trial of the homicide and will commence once the trial is over.

·  The chair will begin to consult with the family following the trial


Gary Jones noted that within the initial panel meeting was well run and that it was a matter of ensuring all partners had completed the required actions and documentation that outlines the victims or perpetrators engagement history with their particular service. It was also noted that the DHR had been temporarily suspended until the trial of the perpetrator had been carried out and plans had been made resume the DHR and to engage with the victim’s family as a part of the review process.

ACTION – Jeta to notify the Home Office that the DHR has temporarily been put on hold until the trial is over. Angela to send the letter to Jeta that was used to notify the Home Office of the DHR initially.

9(i) Women’s Safety Forum – Jeta Buzoku

·  LBBD launched their first Women’s Safety Forum for residents In May 2023 and gives a chance for residents to share with council and police partners where they feel unsafe in the borough and highlights what issues need to be tackled.

·  It was agreed at the initial forum that it would be co-chaired between Cllr Worby and a resident and that this forum would occur every 2 months.

·  The next women’s Safety Forum Is on Tuesday the 18th July 2023.

Ben Forbes added on that enforcement are focusing on completing positive and meaningful outreach. Ben Forbes has connected with Dan Bacon in order to discuss implementing a standing schedule that involves putting up gazebos in areas of high footfall, inviting a range of partners and being able to engage with women and girls in order to understand the perception and actuality of safety within the borough.

Cllr Worby noted that she was co-chairing the women’s safety forum, with the other chair being a resident and an actual survivor of VAWG related incident. Cllr Worby commented that it was a really engaging and interesting meeting with a turnout of over 30 residents and is something that will likely be remain facilitated online in order to allow for increased engagement.

Stuart Bell added that even during his engagement with local mosques that the men attending would inform him of areas in the borough where their wives and daughters felt unsafe and why. Stuart Bell proceeded to ask if there were any police Walk and Talks currently operating in the borough.

Cllr Ghani respond that the polices new VAWG lead Jemma Morgan was In the process of talking with Ben Forbes in organising Walk and Talks within parks, especially now the weather is getting warmer. What was particularly noted from feedback is that police officers/women conducting Walk and Talks in their uniform was particularly off putting and that it was worth trialling Walk and Talks in plain clothing. 

Cllr Worby noted that at the previous Women’s Safety Forum there had been concerns from residents around the stairs that lead down across opposite Upney Station and that the lack of lighting means that this women has to add extra time onto her route home in order to avoid stairwells with no lighting. Cllr Worby further added that when we hear concerns from women and girls it is not enough just to listen but there must be action to address these perception of safety issues.