Issue - decisions

Budget Monitoring 2014/15

22/10/2014 - Budget Monitoring 2014/15 - April to August 2014 (Month 5)

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the projected outturn position for 2014/15 of the Council’s General Fund revenue budget at 31 August 2014, as detailed in paragraphs 2.4 to 2.9 and Appendix A of the report;


(ii)  Agree to the implementation of any savings proposal agreed by Minute 31 (7 October 2014) in the current financial year where it is possible to do so;


(iii)  Agree to the use of £500,000 from the Adult and Community Services reserve to fund work on the implementation of the Care Act 2014, as detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the report;


(iv)  Note the progress against the agreed 2014/15 savings at 31 August 2014, as detailed in paragraph 2.10 and Appendix B of the report;


(v)  Note progress against the agreed 2014/15 HRA savings as detailed in paragraph 2.11 and Appendix B of the report;


(vi)  Note the overall position for the HRA at 31 August 2014, as detailed in paragraph 2.11 and Appendix C of the report;


(vii)  Note the projected outturn position for 2014/15 of the Council’s capital budget as at 31 August 2014, as detailed in paragraph 2.12 and Appendix D of the report and


(viii)  Approve the new capital budget of £709,000 for a Regeneration scheme to acquire and demolish the former Remploy site on Creek Road as detailed in paragraph 2.12 of the report.