Issue - decisions

Improvements to the Breastfeeding Pathway

29/07/2014 - Breastfeeding Pathway Review

The Board received and noted the contents of the report and the recommendation contained within it and in order to progress this issue agreed:


 (i)  A refresh of the CCG commissioning plan must include greater emphasis on support for breastfeeding.

(ii)  A breastfeeding strategy should be developed and this would be owned by the Children and Maternity Sub-Group.

(iii)  The employment of an Infant Feeding Coordinator should be explored.


(iv)  Improved training was desirable and supported the review and up-skilling of relevant staff, in particular training for midwives should be refreshed and in place by September, with a view to obtaining UNICEF accreditation for local maternity services.


(v)  The Chair of the Children and Maternity Sub-Group should work with key stakeholders to improve data collection across the pathway.

(vi)  Improved antenatal education was needed.

(vii)  To expand and improve coordination and change the management configuration of maternity and maternity support services, including the Peer Support Workers programme.

(vii)  The Board also requested that the Children and Maternity Sub-Group should report to the 9 September Health and Wellbeing Board on the Action Plan and timetable that the Sub Group would be working to.


(ix)  The Chair of the Children and Maternity Sub-Group will lead the implementation of the recommendations and to update the Board on progress over the next 12 months. 


The Chair advised that the BAD Youth Forum had indicated an interest in health projects and she would approach them to see if they may wish to include potential consultation work on this issue in their work plan.