Issue - decisions

Emergency Homelessness Accommodation

28/01/2015 - Emergency Homelessness Accommodation

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Waive the requirement to tender interim contracts for the provision of spot purchase of Bed and Breakfast and other nightly let temporary accommodation in order to ensure the Council fulfils its statutory housing duties, pending a procured contract being implemented;


(ii)  Approve the proposals for the procurement of a contract for emergency homelessness accommodation for a term of up to four years, with the option to extend for one year, in accordance with the strategy as set out in the report;


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to approve the entering into of contract(s) for a term/s of up to four years, with the option to extend for one year, upon conclusion of the procurement exercise; and


(iv)  Request officers to provide Cabinet Members with details of the minimum standard requirements that tenderers would be required to meet under the specification for the contract.