Issue - decisions

Progress on the preparation for transfer of the 0-5 year Healthy Child Programme (Health Visiting) Service from NHS England to LBBD

20/10/2014 - Progress on the preparation for transfer of the 0-5 year Healthy Child Programme (Health Visiting) Service from NHS England to LBBD

The Board:


(i)  Noted the progress being made to increase the Barking and Dagenham health visiting workforce in line with Call to Action numbers before the transfer in October 2015;


(ii)   Noted and reviewed the risked as set out in the report and presentation;


(iii)  Commented that the contract currently operates across four different boroughs and each of the boroughs had their own way of operating. The contract would need to take this into account;


(iv)  Concern that 43 health visitors may not be sufficient, as this number had not risen over the past decade but the population had increased considerably, especially in the under 18 yrs category;


(v)  The management requirements and grading mix of the staff would be looked at in due course; and,


(vi)  Requested the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care to keep an overview on this issue on behalf of the Board between meetings.