Issue - decisions

Vision and Priorities for the Borough

28/10/2014 - Vision and Priorities for the Borough

The Assembly received this report introduced by the Leader of the Council, relating to the proposed new vision and priorities for Barking and Dagenham, which are intended to reflect the changing relationship between the Council, partners and the community, and the Council's role in place shaping and enabling community leadership within the context of a significantly reducing budget.


Following debate, the Leader thanked Members for their useful and supportive comments.


The Assembly agreed to adopt the refreshed vision and priorities as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report.


In accordance with the Council Constitution (Part B, Article 1, paragraph 9.8) Councillor Quadri was not permitted to vote as he had not been present throughout the discussion on this item.

06/08/2014 - Vision and Priorities for Barking and Dagenham

Cabinet resolved:


(i)  To support the refreshed vision and priorities, as detailed in Appendices 1 to 4 to the report, and recommend the Assembly to adopt the vision and priorities following consultation with partners and the community; and


(ii)  To approve the priority projects as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report and the development of a detailed Corporate Delivery Plan to monitor implementation of the vision and priorities, subject to approval by the Assembly.