Issue - decisions

Joint Assessment and Discharge Service Section 75

12/02/2015 - Section 75 Agreement for the Joint Assessment and Discharge Service

Received the report and the Board:

(i)  Agreed the proposed S75 agreement, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report, and noted the successful implementation of the Joint Assessment and Discharge Service.


(ii)  Noted the positive performance of the Joint Assessment and Discharge Service and its contribution to winter planning and operational resilience across health and social care, the details of which were set out in Appendix 1 to the report. 


(iii)  Noted the Service had won an award for training under the category of ‘Collaborative and Partnership Education’

(iv)  Noted the Service had been provided from utilising existing resources in novel and different ways and as a result had not required additional financial support.