Issue - decisions

Arrangements for Advocacy provision in 2015/16 and future years

17/03/2015 - Arrangements for Advocacy Provision in 2015/16 and Future Years

The Board:


(i)  Noted that the current advocacy services would be extended for one year and brought up to ‘Care Act compliance’ from 1 April 2015 to enable the Council to achieve an interim position to comply with the requirements of the Care Act over the next 12 months and a review of services to ensure a longer term approach which will meet local need as required and ensure full Care Act compliance.


(ii)  Requested a report to the December Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on:


(a)  The use of individual advocacy covering the first six months of the extended service; and,


(b)  The options for a revised service approach from 1 April 2016.