Issue - decisions

Children's Social Care Annual Report 2014/15

17/09/2015 - Children's Social Care Annual Report 2014/15

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the service improvement and challenges set out in the report, and the actions taken last year in response to local demand, the OFSTED inspections of services and the financial pressures experienced by the service;


(ii)  Note the following key priorities for 2015/16, determined after analysis and review of 2014/15:


·  Improving services and outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and their families.

·  Earlier intervention and prevention through the Prevention Service and via close operational relationships with colleagues providing targeted and universal support, to reduce the demand on social care and drive down referral rates and the need for child protection plans.

·  Reducing the numbers of children in care and the cost of their provisions.

·  Minimising the duration of Child Protection Plans.

·  Strengthen means of engagement with young people and their families so that they can ‘shape’ future services to improve effectiveness and reduce the number of families needing social care support.