Issue - decisions

Diabetes Update Prevention and Care

10/11/2017 - Diabetes Update Prevention and Care

The Board:


Received the current position, costs and significant health issue and risks to the health and wellbeing of residents with diabetes and pre-diabetes and the action needed to reduce the pressures on health and social care services from the effects of diabetes and:


(i)  Diabetes prevention –
Agreed that a diabetes prevention approach, which meets the needs of residents, is supported to enable the long-term reduction in significant health costs and for the poor health reduction targets to be realised;


(ii)  Diabetes care processes –
Agreed that systems and structures that embed improved diabetes care in the Borough are supported, the details of which were set out in the report;


(iii)  Requested the Deputy Chief Executive and Strategic Director for Service Development and Integration to write on behalf of the Board to the ELHCP raising the Board’s concern over the inequality of provision for diabetes locally, in relation to other areas of the country, and asking the ELHCP to take the necessary action for the service provision to be balanced and funding provided to enable a spend-to-save opportunity that will allow future costs reductions to be realised. 


(iv)  Agreed that focus needed to continue in regard to digital solutions, consistency of messages to communities to increase health engagement, including use of Healthwatch to do this, and in educating the young and enhancing their ” pester power” to effect healthy lifestyle change at home, ensuring a consistent approach to health checks and service delivery across GP practices, including through the use of commissioning.