Issue - decisions

'Transforming London Riverside' Housing Infrastructure Fund Bid

19/02/2019 - 'Transforming London Riverside' Housing Infrastructure Fund Bid and Castle Green Development Strategy

The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Endorse the submission of the ‘Transforming London Riverside’ Housing Infrastructure Fund Bid and delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Social Housing and Finance, Performance and Core Services, to approve the final bid documentation;


(ii)  Agree, in principle, the development strategy for the Castle Green area (shown in Appendix 2 to the report) including the future use by the Council of its Compulsory Purchase Order powers, subject to the HIF bid being successful and a further report to Cabinet in respect of fulfilling the criteria referred to in paragraph 3.3 of the report;


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to approve the allocation of up to £300,000 of Council funding to cover the cost of master planning for Castle Green should other funding not be available; and


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance, Performance and Core Services and Regeneration and Social Housing and the Chief Operating Officer, to enter into all relevant contracts and agreements in relation to the HIF.