Issue - decisions

Out of Schools Settings Project Update

07/02/2020 - Out of Schools Settings Project Update

The Board received a presentation from the Out of Schools Setting (OOSS) Project Officer on:


(i) the considerable progress to date with the first phase of a DfE funded pilot project designed to improve the oversight of, and safeguarding in OOSS by:


·  Strengthening the understanding of these settings and the associated risks

·  Identifying and sharing best practice on identification and intervention, and

·  Further developing the evidence base to inform a national approach, including the case for potential future action.


(ii) That a formal partnership strategy will be developed which sets out a clear, comprehensive, and transparent approach to dealing with unregistered educational settings in the Borough.


In response to an observation from the Chair the Project Officer informed the Board that guidance was being worked on for parents and carers to make them aware of things to look out for in OOSS. 


The Project Officer undertook to update the Board as the project develops.