Issue - decisions

East London Joint Waste Plan Regulation 18 Consultation

19/06/2024 - Draft East London Joint Waste Plan Regulation 18 Consultation

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree the publication of the Regulation 18 Draft ELJWP at Appendix 1 to the report, its related policies map and supporting information, for a six-week statutory public consultation anticipated to commence in late July 2024;


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Strategic Head of Place and Development, Inclusive Growth (or equivalent) to finalise the draft ELJWP and supporting information, including appendices, related evidence base and topic papers, prior to undertaking the Regulation 18 public consultation;


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Strategic Head of Place and Development, Inclusive Growth (or equivalent) to make the arrangements for statutory public consultation, in accordance with the Consultation Protocol attached at Appendix 2 to the report; and


(iv)  Note the related Draft Integrated Impact Assessment and the Draft Habitats Regulation Assessment attached at Appendices 3 and 4 respectively to the report.