Executive post

Employment, Skills & Aspiration Portfolio


Councillor Bright is responsible for raising aspiration to enable residents to achieve their full potential. Councillor Bright leads on employment and skills support provided by the Council’s Community Solutions service (including Barking & Dagenham Adult College) to improve employment and skills outcomes and build resilience across the borough.


As part of this, Councillor Bright works with local employers and key partners to expand local job and training opportunities to maximise the benefits of the borough’s growth, including from the film studios and the three markets.


Councillor Bright also promotes equality and inclusion through the borough’s Gender Equality Charter alongside a programme of events including Pride, Black History Month, Women’s Empowerment Month and the Women’s Empowerment Awards.


Councillor Bright also works alongside the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement to help deliver the Council’s equalities and diversity strategy.

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