Issue details

Home Services and Traded Services Full Business Case

Following the Ambition 2020 public consultation exercise, Cabinet approved the development of full business cases to support the creation of Home Services, a Council wholly-owned company which would provide a repairs and maintenance (R&M) service to the Council and local corporate / institutional landlords, and Traded Services, a Council wholly-owned company for the delivery of catering, cleaning and some other smaller traded services. 


The Cabinet will be asked to approve the business cases for the creation of the new Home Services and Traded Services companies.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/03/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The appendices to the report may contain commercially confidential information.

Issue Category: Community; Financial;

Decision due: 25 Apr 2017 by Cabinet

Lead member: Finance, Growth & Investment Portfolio

Lead director: Chief Operating Officer

Department: Operations

Contact: Claire Symonds, Interim Chief Executive and Managing Director Email: Tel: 020 8227 5513.


Agenda items