Forward plan

October 2017 Edition 

Plan items
No. Item


Budget Monitoring 2017/18 - April to August (Month 5)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   17 Oct 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Growth Commission Recommendations Progress Report

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   17 Oct 2017

Lead officer:  Tom Hook

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/04/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


2018/19 Local Implementation Plan Funding Submission

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   22 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Daniel Pope

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Implications of the Children and Social Work Act 2017

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   17 Oct 2017

Lead officer:  Chris Bush

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Award of Contract for Supply of Fresh Meat, Fruit and Vegetables

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Chris Bush

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Housing Supply, Investment Income and Infrastructure Housing

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  James Goddard

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Local Discretionary Business Rate Relief Policy

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   17 Oct 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Fire Safety Policy Proposals

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   17 Oct 2017

Lead officer:  Jonathon Toy

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Budget Monitoring 2017/18 - April to September (Month 6)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Fees and Charges 2018/19

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Schools Funding Formula 2018/19

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Jane Hargreaves

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Treasury Management 2017/18 Mid-Year Review

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   22 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Gambling Act 2005: Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 2017-2020

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   22 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Jonathon Toy

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/05/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


'Made in Dagenham' Film Studios

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   23 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  David Harley

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/06/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report and/or appendices may contain commercially confidential information.


Annual Education Performance Report

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Jane Hargreaves

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


B&D Energy - 'White Label' Energy Tariffs

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   23 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  Andrew Sivess

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report and/or appendices may contain commercially confidential information.


Gascoigne East Phase 3 Redevelopment

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  David Harley

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report and/or appendices may contain commercially confidential information


Estate Renewal and Infill Sites Programmes Update

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   20 Mar 2018

Lead officer:  Jennie Coombs

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report / appendices may contain commercially confidential information.


Installation of Telecommunication Masts on Council-Owned Buildings

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Akin Otitoju

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Contract for Cashless Catering Hardware, Software and Installation

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Chris Bush

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2016/17

Decision maker:  Assembly

Decision:   22 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Chris Bush

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Vicarage Field Development Issues

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   20 Mar 2018

Lead officer:  David Harley

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/01/2016

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The appendices shall contain commercially confidential information.


Budget Monitoring 2017/18 - April to October (Month 7)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2017/18 (Quarter 2)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 2 Performance Reporting

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Tom Hook

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Budget Strategy 2018/19 to 2022/23

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Nov 2017

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Review of School Places and Capital Investment

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Jane Hargreaves

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Community Infrastructure Levy Spend

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2017

Lead officer:  Daniel Pope

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Budget Monitoring 2017/18 - April to November (Month 8)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   23 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   31 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Calculation and Setting of Council Tax Base 2018/19

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   23 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Housing Revenue Account: Estimates and Review of Rents and Other Charges 2018/19 and 30 Year Business Plan

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   19 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  James Goddard

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Pooling of Business Rates

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   23 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2018 - 2048

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


BAD Youth Forum Annual Report 2017

Decision maker:  Assembly

Decision:   31 Jan 2018

Lead officer:  Jane Hargreaves

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Corporate Sustainable Energy Strategy

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   19 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  Andrew Sivess

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/12/2014

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Budget Monitoring 2017/18 - April to December (Month 9)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   19 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 3 Performance Reporting

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   19 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  Tom Hook

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Budget Framework 2018/19 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/19 - 2021/22

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   28 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2018/19

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   28 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  Kathy Freeman

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Pay Policy Statement 2018/19

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Assembly

Decision:   28 Feb 2018

Lead officer:  Fiona Taylor

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Draft Sex Establishment Licensing Policy 2018 - 2021

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   18 Feb 2019

Lead officer:  Jonathon Toy

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/06/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Budget Monitoring 2017/18 - April to January (Month 10)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   20 Mar 2018

Lead officer:  Katherine Heffernan

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2017/18 (Quarter 3)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   20 Mar 2018

Lead officer:  Katherine Heffernan

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Review of School Places and Capital Investment

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   17 Jul 2018

Lead officer:  Jane Hargreaves

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Appointments to the Political Structure and Other Bodies 2018/19

Decision maker:  Assembly

Decision:   23 May 2018

Lead officer:  Fiona Taylor

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Members' Allowances Scheme 2018/19

Decision maker:  Assembly

Decision:   23 May 2018

Lead officer:  Fiona Taylor

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2017/18 (Quarters 3 and 4)

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   19 Jun 2018

Lead officer:  Katherine Heffernan

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Corporate Plan 2017/18 - Quarter 4 Performance Reporting

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   19 Jun 2018

Lead officer:  Tom Hook

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Revenue and Capital Final Outturn 2017/18

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   19 Jun 2018

Lead officer:  Katherine Heffernan

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Treasury Management Annual Report 2017/18

Decision maker:  Assembly

Decision:   18 Jul 2018

Lead officer:  David Dickinson

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Fire Safety Annual Report

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Core Support Services - Design Options Appraisal

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   22 Jan 2019

Lead officer:  Hilary Morris

Decision status:  Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/05/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report and/or appendices may contain exempt information relating to labour relations issues.