Decision details

Report of the Corporate Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive - Appointments to the Political Structure and Other Bodies 2006 / 2007

Decision Maker: Assembly

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Received a report seeking to appoint Members to the various elements of the political structure and other internal and external bodies for the coming municipal year.  Noted the political balance requirements and the number of seats to be offered for each meeting.


Agreed to:


1.  elect Councillor Fairbrass as Leader of the Council, and, as such, his appointment as the Chair of the Executive;


2.  elect Councillor L Smith as Deputy Leader of the Council, and, as such, his appointment as the Deputy Chair of the Executive;


3.  the membership of the various Council meetings as set out in Appendix A to these minutes;


4.  appoint the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the various Council meetings as set out in Appendix B to these minutes with the exception of Community Forums to be deferred pending the report on the review of Forums;


5.  that the non Executive / Scrutiny Management Board Member of the Audit Committee will be appointed as the Chair, the membership of this new Committee to be determined at the next Assembly meeting;


6.  appoint statutory Co-opted Members as set out in Appendix C to these minutes;


7.  appoint representatives on various internal and external bodies and partnerships as set out in Appendix D to these minutes; and


8.  Appoint Trustees of Local Charities as set out in Appendix E to these minutes.


Noted that Councillor Barnbrook has been elected by his group Leader of the Minority Group and Councillor Bailey as Deputy Leader of the Minority Group.

Publication date: 19/05/2006

Date of decision: 17/05/2006

Decided at meeting: 17/05/2006 - Assembly

Accompanying Documents: