Decision details

Land Adjacent to 50 Shortcrofts Road, Dagenham

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet will be asked to consider proposals to sell the piece of land adjacent to 50 Shortcrofts Road to build an additional house and two flats


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits reported on a proposal to dispose of an area of Council-owned amenity green adjacent to 50 Shortcrofts Road following an approach by the owner of that property.  It was noted that the land had a nominal alternative use value and there would be financial benefits for the Council in terms of both reduced annual maintenance costs and the achievement of a capital receipt.


Cabinet agreed:-


  (i)  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to agree terms for disposal of the amenity land at the maximum price that can reasonably be negotiated;


  (ii)  To authorise the Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services to enter into the necessary legal agreements to achieve the disposal of the site; and


 (iii)  That officers present a further report to Cabinet in due course on the possible disposal of other similar amenity greens for housing use.

Report author: Sue Lees

Publication date: 15/07/2011

Date of decision: 12/07/2011

Decided at meeting: 12/07/2011 - Cabinet

Effective from: 21/07/2011

Accompanying Documents: