Decision details

A Review of Services for Those Affected by Domestic Violence

Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


On 23rd April 2013 the Board agreed that a review of Domestic Violence services would be conducted by Public Health. This report will contain the findings from that review and outline what changes need to be made to commissioning plans to ensure all of the agencies of the Health and Wellbeing Board are meeting all responsibilities and policy objectives. 


Matthew Cole (Director, Public Health) introduced the report to the Board. During its discussion on the item the following points or comments were raised:

·  Local domestic violence services when benchmarked show that Barking and Dagenham has a comprehensive package of services that meet or exceed national standards and guidance. However, Barking and Dagenham has high rates of domestic violence which is a cause of great concern. Whilst this suggests victims are confident to report domestic violence, the Community Safety Partnership should be cautious of being complacent.

·  Chief Supt. Andy Ewing (Borough Commander, Metropolitan Police) commented that more work needs to be done to reduce repeat victim rates. Also, particular attention should be paid to domestic violence perpetrated by ex-partners as these form the highest proportion of offenders.

·  Helen Jenner (Corporate Director, Children’s Services) commented that there needed to be services and support for adolescent women. Evidence suggests that they are less likely to report domestic violence as they expect that behaviour in relationships.

·  Cllr J Alexander (Cabinet Member, Crime, Justice and Communities) asked whether midwives were given training to detect domestic violence and sign-post pregnant women to appropriate services. Matthew Cole confirmed that midwives do receive training to support women.

·  Conor Burke (Accountable Officer, CCG) corrected a statement in the report about the commissioning of the advocacy service. It was clarified that the contract expires in March 2014, not October 2013 as stated in the report. The CCG does not wish to upset the stability of domestic violence services and is therefore committed to extending this contract.

·  Anne Bristow (Corporate Director, Adult and Community Services) raised concern about take up to, and completion of perpetrator programmes as it generally requires a court order to compel a perpetrator to complete the programme.

·  There is a need to target domestic violence interventions through a range of services to ensure awareness and reach in the community. Drug and Alcohol services were suggested as an area where such targeting would have an impact.

ACTION: The Executive Planning Group was tasked with considering how papers of the Board are shared to individuals and organisations within the partnership


ACTION: The Review of Domestic Violence Services is to be referred to the Community Safety Partnership for discussion.


The Board agreed the recommendations contained in the report, which were as follows:


·  Consider the recommendations (further described in the summary report) of the review of services relating to domestic violence and discuss the implications for Barking and Dagenham.

·  The Health and Wellbeing Board should invite NHS England to present its plans to introduce important changes to the arrangements for commissioning sexual assault services and for those people who experience sexual violence.

·  Commissioners should following the recent reorganisation of local maternity services and the introduction in 2013/14 of a new funding system which brings all maternity care into Payment by Results, consider the impact and opportunities presented by the new funding arrangements for maternity services.

·  In respect of the level of need it would be prudent for NHS Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group to extend the existing contract with the Refuge for a further six months whilst these issues are considered and the appropriate provision is agreed by commissioners for 2014-15.

Report author: Matthew Cole

Publication date: 12/09/2013

Date of decision: 16/07/2013

Decided at meeting: 16/07/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Accompanying Documents: