Decision details

Summary of the New Ofsted Single Inspection of Services for Children

Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Board will consider the implications of the new inspection frameworks of Ofsted and CQC in relation to Children's Services.


Meena Kishinani (Divisional Director, Strategic Commissioning and Safeguarding) gave a presentation to the Board. The presentation covered:


·  The inspection process and the areas that are under assessment

·  How the new framework differs from previous frameworks and issues arising for Barking and Dagenham

·  The scope of the inspections and who will required to participate or be interviewed

·  The implications of the inspection framework for the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board

·  Risks within the new inspection framework


Arising from the report and presentation the following issues and comments were made by Board Members:


·  A disproportionate number of children enter social services through police protection. This is potentially high risk for the Borough’s inspection result as well as distressing for the child.

·  It will be important that children get their health assessment within the specified 28 day timescale

·  The borough will need to improve educational attainment for looked after children

·  Underlying problems which result in social services intervention such as poverty, security of housing tenure, and domestic violence will need to be addressed

·  GP attendance at Child Protection Conferences is poor. This is a risk because under the new framework the borough will need to demonstrate its multi-agency approach.

·  Record keeping will need to be tighter to show inspectors that decision-making and case management is robust.

·  A peer review is scheduled for May 2014 to test the system and test the frontline of children’s services. This will be a useful stocktake and identify issues to be addressed before Barking and Dagenham’s first inspection under the new framework.

·  The Health and Wellbeing Board will need to explore ways in which it can link with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board as the inspectors will expect to find a strong relationship and coherence around work. Joint planning between the H&WBB and LSCB might be worth consideration.

·  Inspections will have a greater focus on observing social care practice.

·  If an inspection reveals an issue of concern it could trigger a further inspection of that agency or area. Partners should therefore be mindful that at all times during the inspection all areas of the system are under scrutiny.

·  Children’s Services are under pressure due to rising demand. Health services will need to respond to this and in particular may need to put more resources into psychological therapies.

·  Early intervention through Health Visiting or School Nurses will be integral to robustness of safeguarding. Uncertainty over Health Visiting arrangements which are in transition is a risk.

·  Conor Burke (Accountable Officer, B&D CCG) suggested that it would be helpful for NHS colleagues to understand the profile of need for children known to social services. This will help GPs and other health professionals to support and take forward the agenda for looked after children and safeguarding as the responsibilities of the NHS become more embedded in these areas.  

·  Dr Mohi (Chair, B&D CCG) added that it would be helpful to know also the numbers of children within the social care system. Meena Kishinani advised that at any given time Children’s Services is working with 2,200 children, of these roughly 450 are looked after and a further 250 are on a child protection plan.


The Board agreed to:


1.  Note the content and scope of Ofsted’s new single inspection of services for children in need, looked after children, care leavers and the new Local Children’s Safeguarding Board (LSCB) reviews and provide comments as appropriate.


2.  Note the CQC health programme of reviews on safeguarding and looked after children running from September 2013 and April 2015.

Report author: Meena Kishinani

Publication date: 14/03/2014

Date of decision: 11/02/2014

Decided at meeting: 11/02/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Accompanying Documents: