Decision details

More Choice in Lettings

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Received a report detailing the principles of More Choice In Lettings (MCIL), which outlined the alternative preference systems in operation.  The report also proposed a programme of consultation.


Agreed, in order to enhance the Community Priority of ‘Developing Rights and Responsibilities with the Local Community’, to:


  1. Adopt a MCIL policy based on a date order model using 3 bands:


a)  A ‘non active’ band for those households who do not fall into a reasonable preference category;


b)  An emergency or ‘additional preference’ band for those households who cannot continue in their present home; and


c)  A ‘reasonable preference band’ for all other households.

  1. Appoint the East London Lettings Consortium (ELLC) to administer the scheme in conjunction with the Council, as outlined in paragraph 4.6;
  1. The public consultation process outlined in paragraph 6.3 of the report;
  1. Arrangements for transitional protection as outlinedin paragraph 3.1 of the report;
  1. The Tenants Incentive Scheme outlined in paragraph 5.1 of the report; and
  1. Single tender action for the purchase from specialist suppliers of the Novalet lettings system; Internet kiosks and property advertising magazine.

Report author: David Woods

Publication date: 30/01/2004

Date of decision: 27/01/2004

Decided at meeting: 27/01/2004 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/02/2004

Accompanying Documents: