Decision details

Response to London Riverside Integrated Transport Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Received a report identifying local transport networks and services that need to be improved as well as links to regional transport routes that run through the Borough, highlighting areas for improvement. 


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority of “Regenerating the Local Economy”, that:


1.  Barking and Dagenham, jointly with London Riverside Ltd and London Borough of Havering:


(a)  Initiate discussions with London Buses to investigate ways of strengthening bus network connections in both boroughs;


(b)  Undertake a feasibility study of public transport crossing over Rainham Creek to connect Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence (CEME) and Ferry Lane, in the London Borough of Havering (LBH);


(c)  Undertake with the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) project scoping of extension of Barking Gospel Oak line services to Rainham (LBH);


(d)  Undertake with the SRA project scoping for new stations at Renwick Road (LBBD) and Beam River (LBH).  Noted that there are conflicting aspirations between the two boroughs regarding the construction of these two stations;


(e)  Identify with Transport for London (TfL) project scope of new interchange facilities at Dagenham Dock (LBBD) and Rainham (LBH);


(f)  Press TfL for a commitment to upgrade to a non bus-based system such as trams.  Noted the Strategy proposes the implementation of a bus-based East London Transit (ELT) further phase to Rainham by 2008 and extend the next phase of the East London Transit from Barking to Gallions Reach across the ThamesGatewayBridge to connect with the Greenwich Waterfront Transit to provide a public transport link across the River Thames;


(g)  Secure from TfL the implementation of the Renwick Road grade separation (LBBD);


(h)  Work with Docklands Light Rail Ltd to develop an alignment for an extension to Dagenham Dock by 2012 as revised by TfL (LBBD);


(i)  Develop with the SRA and TfL and others the London Riverside / Thames Gateway Metro (LBBD & LBH); and


2.  The Head of Planning and Transportation be authorised to undertake these next steps.

Report author: Niall Bolger

Publication date: 19/04/2004

Date of decision: 13/04/2004

Decided at meeting: 13/04/2004 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/04/2004

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