Decision details

Remote Concierge Project - Approval to Tender

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive will be presented with a report providing an update on the proposed Remote Concierge project, including the outcome of the public consultation exercise, and be asked to approve the tendering for the works


Further to Minute 158 (13 March 2007), received a report providing an update on the results of the public consultation exercise on the implementation of a pilot project to deliver a fully integrated remote concierge system to a number of high rise blocks across the Borough.


Agreed, having regard to the overall support of residents to the project as well as the proposed funding mechanism, and to assist in achieving the Community Priorities of “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer” and “Improving Health, Housing and Social Care”, to:


(i)  The commissioning of the project and the associated tendering procedures as detailed in the report; and


(ii)  Nominate Councillors Bramley, McCarthy and P. Waker to be part of the tender packaging and evaluation procedures panels, alongside non affected tenant representatives who will be nominated through the Leaseholder and Tenants Federation, to ensure that the outcome is transparent, fit for purpose and provides value for money.

Publication date: 04/10/2007

Date of decision: 25/09/2007

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2007 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: