Decision details

Thames Accord Limited Contract Review - Update Report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive will be presented with an update report on the current position with the Council’s contract with Thames Accord and be asked to agree appropriate recommendations


Further to Minute 121 (19 December 2006), received a progress report on the Council’s housing repairs and maintenance contract with Thames Accord Limited and a summary of the annual review and 3rd and 4th quarterly reviews for 2006/07.


Agreed, in view of the significant improvements in the operation of the contract, to:


(i)  The continuation of the Contract on new and / or varied terms and conditions as provided for under the terms of the 10 year contract;


(ii)  Authorise the Corporate Directors of Customer Services and Resources to act on behalf of the Council in relation to (i) and to agree any necessary changes to the Contract;


(iii)  The final account figure for Year 4 of the contract being determined as £25.4 million (£20.4 million Target Price work and £5 million for named schemes and other works); and


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Customer Services to sign-off future contract annual reports.

Publication date: 04/10/2007

Date of decision: 25/09/2007

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2007 - Cabinet

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