Decision details

King William Street Quarter and Eastern End Thames View Disposal and Delivery Options

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Due to considerable market changes the previously agreed Masterplan for King William Street Quarter and Eastern End of Thames View may no longer be viable and the Cabinet will be asked to consider future options


Cabinet received a report from the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Housing on proposals for the disposal of, and delivery of residential accommodation on, the remainder of the King William Street Quarter (former Lintons site) and the Eastern End of Thames View.


Detailed design briefs for the sites set out the proposed aspirations for the tenure mix and density for each development, which aligned with the Council’s objectives for the supply of new housing and other policies.  An assessment of six potential delivery routes identified two preferred options, the principal being an arrangement via the Council’s Building Schools for the Future Local Education Partnership (BSF LEP) with Laing O’Rourke.  The reserve position, in the event that a satisfactory agreement was not able to be achieved under the BSF LEP option within a set timescale, would be via the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Development Partner Panel.


Cabinet agreed:


(i)  The design briefs for King William Street Quarter and the Eastern End of Thames View as contained at Appendix 1 and 2 respectively to the report;


(ii)  That a minimum of 20% “social” rent (50% of Local Housing Allowance) units are provided together with a mixture of other sub market tenures on both sites;


(iii)  Subject to the endorsement of the Assembly:


a.  that Delivery Option 6, as detailed in the report, be pursued as the preferred option, which would involve the lease of the sites to the Building Schools for the Future Local Education Partnership (BSF LEP) to provide a range of sub market rented properties to be managed by the Council and to authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources, in consultation with the Solicitor to the Council, to seek to agree satisfactory terms with the BSF LEP within three months of the Assembly decision for the implementation of the preferred option;


b.  that in the event officers were unable to agree satisfactory terms within three months of the date of the Assembly decision with the BSF LEP for the preferred option, that the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources be authorised, in consultation with the Solicitor to the Council, to pursue Delivery Option 5 which would involve the marketing of the sites via the Homes and Communities Agency Development Partner Panel and seeking a proportion of new council homes and also consider leasing a proportion of properties at sub-market rents.

Report author: Jeremy Grint

Publication date: 13/05/2011

Date of decision: 10/05/2011

Decided at meeting: 10/05/2011 - Cabinet

Effective from: 19/05/2011

Accompanying Documents: