Decision details

Health & Wellbeing Outcomes Framework Performance Report - Quarter 2 (2013/14)

Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Q2 data is presented for the Board to analyse.


Matthew Cole (Director, Public Health) introduced the report to the Board. The Board discussed the issues in relation to the performance indicators:


·  It was noted that there are performance issues with the current provider for the Chlamydia screening programme in light of which the contract for this service will be reviewed. 


·  Emergency re-admissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital is a longstanding issue. More provision of recovery services and support form primary care to deliver care in the community setting will help to solve this multi-faceted problem.


·  Despite the Council being tight with its enforcement and licensing controls alcohol related crime remains a problem locally. The Board believed that the borough was achieving the best results it could with the resources at the Partnership’s disposal. The Board commented on the positive impact of banning drinking on the streets.


·  Concern was raised about the numbers of women smoking during pregnancy. It was noted that the Family Nurse Partnership is taking action to engage with pregnant women on this issue.


The Board agreed to:


·  Review the overarching dashboard, and raise any questions to lead officers, lead agencies or the chairs of subgroups as Board members see fit;


·  Note the further detail provided on specific indicators, and to raise any further questions on remedial actions or actions being taken to sustain good performance;


·  Note the information provided about Urgent Care and CQC activity in the period.

Report author: Matthew Cole

Publication date: 17/01/2014

Date of decision: 10/12/2013

Decided at meeting: 10/12/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Accompanying Documents: