Decision details

Care City and Abbey Sports Centre Site - Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet will be presented with a report on progress regarding the redevelopment of the Abbey Sports Centre site and the Care City proposals which were considered by Cabinet on 4 August 2014, which shall include details of the revised bids for the site and an update on the North East London Foundation Trust’s position regarding Care City.


Further to Minutes 66 (19 November 2013) and 12 (4 August 2014), the Cabinet Member for Regeneration presented a report on the progress of the plans to bring a mixed use commercial leisure-led development, incorporating a permanent base for the Care City initiative, to the site of the existing Abbey Sports Centre in Barking Town Centre.


Following the decision to include the accommodation for the Care City initiative into the specification for the development, tenderers had resubmitted bids based on options for the ground floor and residential uses to be acquired on either a freehold or leasehold arrangement and for either one or two storeys of office space for Care City.  The Cabinet Member referred to the evaluation of the bids and advised that the preferred option included a cinema and restaurant on the ground floor, first floor office space for Care City and seven storeys of residential accommodation via a 125-year lease arrangement.  The Cabinet Member commented that the proposed development would make a substantial contribution to the regeneration of Barking Town Centre and he had asked officers to consider potential use options for the Abbey Sports Centre for the period leading up to its demolition.


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care referred to his previous observations on other regeneration reports in relation to the Council’s ability to restrict on-letting at a rental profit by Buy-to-Let investors.  The Divisional Director of Regeneration confirmed that the issue would be discussed with the development partner and undertook to present a more detailed report on the development proposals to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the selection of Lindhill as the preferred development partner for the redevelopment of the Abbey Sports Centre site under a 125-year lease arrangement;


(ii)  Agree the components and development parameters associated with the proposed Scheme submitted by Lindhill whilst noting that the detailed Scheme will be subject to a formal planning application and the decision of the Development Control Board at a future date;


(iii)  Authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to finalise the sale terms and complete the necessary legal agreements with Lindhill and NELFT;


(iv)  Agree to enter into an early works order with Lindhill or the Council’s own contractor to demolish Abbey Sports Centre when it becomes vacant, whilst noting that the upfront costs will be reimbursed when the Development Agreement becomes unconditional;


(v)  Agree to front fund any works required to complete the commercial and legal agreements with Care City and Lindhill, whilst noting that these upfront costs will be reimbursed when the Development Agreement becomes unconditional; and


(vi)  Request officers to present to a future meeting a detailed report on the new development.

Report author: Jeremy Grint

Publication date: 19/11/2014

Date of decision: 18/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 18/11/2014 - Cabinet

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