Decision details

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2020/21 (Period 10, January 2021) and Capital Programme Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the projected revenue outturn forecast for the 2020/21 financial year as at 31 January 2021, as set out in sections 2 to 4 and Appendix A of the report, and the potential impact on the reserves position, as set out in section 7 of the report;


(ii)  Note the update on key savings programmes, as set out in section 5 of the report;


(iii)  Note the update on the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown, as set out in section 6 of the report;


(iv)  Note the Capital Programme expenditure and forecast position as at 31 December 2020 (Q3), as detailed in section 9 and Appendix 2 to the report;


(v)  Approve a capital budget of £421,319.80 for the Chequers Lane environmental improvements scheme, to be fully funded from Section 106 contributions relating to the area, as set out in section 10 of the report;


(vi)  Approve, in the light of the Covid-19 public health emergency, a contract variation under Contract Rule 58 (c) with Sports and Leisure Management Limited (company no. 02204085) in respect of the management of the Borough’s leisure centres, as set out in section 11 of the report; and


(vii)  Authorise the Finance Director, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services and the Director of Law and Governance, to take any further decisions necessary in connection with the varied contract with Sports and Leisure Management Limited to ensure continuance of the service, including the entering into of any necessary documents, arrangements and/or further variations to give effect to recommendation (vi) above.

Report author: Philip Gregory

Publication date: 17/03/2021

Date of decision: 16/03/2021

Decided at meeting: 16/03/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 25/03/2021

Accompanying Documents: