Decision details

* Housing Revenue Account Estimates and Review of Rents and Other Charges 2010/11

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Executive will be asked to consider the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) estimates and rent levels for Council properties for 2010/11, together with other related charges


Received a report from the Corporate Directors of Finance and Commercial Services and Customer Services on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) estimates and rents and other related charges for 2010/11.  The Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services also clarified the position regarding some inconsistencies between the figures in the body of the report and those that appeared in the recommendations.


Noted that the proposals will enable the HRA working balance to continue to be replenished to a more prudent level, following the significant call on the balance during 2008/09, without the need for unnecessary increases in charges.  This is possible as a result of a range of efficiency measures including the renegotiation of charges made by statutory providers such at Essex Water Board and successful negotiations with Government in relation to the subsidy arrangements that surround the HRA.


Agreed, in order for the Council to meet its statutory responsibilities, produce a balanced Housing Revenue Account and assist in achieving the Community Priority of “Prosperous”, to:


  (i)  The HRA estimates for 2010/2011, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


  (ii)  A Council dwelling rent increase of 1.76%, calculated in accordance with the Government’s rent restructuring policy, which represents an average weekly rent increase of £1.28 ;


  (iii)  An increases to tenant service charges of 2.97% (average of £0.21 per week);


  (iv)  An increase to communal heating and hot water charges of 13.68% (average of £1.26 per week);


  (v)  An increase to garage rents of 1.76% (average of £0.19 per week);


  (vi)  The increases referred to in (ii) to (v) above taking effect from 5 April 2010;


  (vii)  Note that rents for commercial properties will increase in line with lease agreements; and


  (viii)  The creation of a heating and hot water account to calculate charges over a three year cycle.

Publication date: 19/02/2010

Date of decision: 16/02/2010

Decided at meeting: 16/02/2010 - Cabinet

Effective from: 25/02/2010

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