Decision details

Urgent Care

Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Health & Wellbeing Board (H&WBB) will receive an update on the work of the recently established Urgent Care Board. Furthermore, the H&WBB will discuss how the Urgent Care Board is taking a whole system approach to supporting BHRUT’s improvement plans to address performance issues at Queen’s Hospital’s Emergency Department. The Board will also review pressure surge plans and system readiness ahead of winter 2013/14.


Conor Burke (Accountable Officer, B&D CCG) updated the Board about the work of the Urgent Care Board. Further to the content of the report, Conor Burke updated the Health and Wellbeing Board on the following matters:

·  Following an announcement from the Secretary of State £7 million of funding will be made available to support the local emergency care system over the winter period. The Urgent Care Board will be deciding how best this money is used.

·  Following a clinical review of the emergency care system the Urgent Care Board can confirm that the proposal to cease blue light ambulances to King George’s Hospital will not be taken forward.

·  The Urgent Care Board has signed off a ‘Demand and Capacity Plan’ for emergency care in the sector.


Frances Carroll (Chair, Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham) asked about the arrangements for local Heathwatch representation on the Urgent Care Board. Cllr Worby (Chair of the H&WBB) recommended that the Healthwatch organisations of Barking and Dagenham, Redbridge, and Havering have discussions about the representation arrangements before escalating the matter to the Urgent Care Board.


Matthew Cole (Director, Public Health) commented that the borough’s measures to reduce seasonal flu will have a significant impact on how the health and social system handles winter pressures. Matthew Cole asked for assurances that staff working at BHRUT will receive flu jabs in advance of the winter period.


John Atherton (Head of Assurance, NHS England) commented that NHS England is suitably assured that winter pressures will be handled well as planning and additional funding has been sorted earlier in the year. However, certain aspects of the local A&E improvement plans need expediting before winter pressures begin. 


The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the progress of the Urgent Care Board. The Board agreed to receive a further update at its meeting on 10 December 2013.

Report author: Glen Oldfield

Publication date: 02/10/2013

Date of decision: 17/09/2013

Decided at meeting: 17/09/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

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