Decision details

Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework: Performance Report - Quarter 1 2015/16

Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The performance dashboard and Better Care Fund (BCF) update will be presented for the Board to analyse and discuss


The Board:


(I)  Reviewed the overarching dashboard;


(II)  Noted the further detail provided on specific indicators, and remedial actions being taken to sustain good performance;

(III)  Noted the areas where new data was available and the implications of that data, specifically the immunisation uptake, children and young people accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), health checks of looked after children, Chlamydia screening, smoking quitters, NHS Health Check, permanent admissions of older people to residential and nursing care homes, delayed transfers of care, A&E attendance and CQC inspections;


(iv)  Noted the information in the verbal report of the London Ambulance Service (LAS) representative; and

(a)  Noted the offer from the LAS to share its vehicle response time data for the LBBD wards with the Council and Police on an annual basis;

(b)  Welcomed the discussion that would be held between the local Police and LAS in regard to the potential for double crewing of vehicles, e.g. paramedics in police response cars;

(v)  Invited the LAS to attend all future meetings of the Board as a Guest.

Report author: Matthew Cole

Publication date: 20/10/2015

Date of decision: 20/10/2015

Decided at meeting: 20/10/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

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