Issue - meetings

Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI) Business Centres: Appointment of Preferred Developer / Operator

Meeting: 22/01/2008 - Cabinet (Item 112)

Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI) Business Centres: Appointment of Preferred Developer / Operator

Concerns a contractual matter (paragraph 3).


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Regeneration setting out details of the tender process and the progress of the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI) business centres project.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of “Regenerating the Local Economy” and “Raising Pride in the Borough” and to progress delivery of the flagship project of the LEGI programme, to:


(i)  Subject to the arrangements to confirm LEGI funding, authorise the Corporate Director of Regeneration to negotiate and conclude the necessary Development Agreements and leases with Greater London Enterprise Property Developments Limited working with East London Small Business Centre to allow the delivery of the LEGI Business Centres; and


(ii)  The relevant works being undertaken to rationalise the use of the Frizlands depot site, including making a variation to the East London Waste Authority’s lease, in order to secure that the Business Centre part of the site is vacant by March 2008.