Issue - meetings

Streamlining Senior Management Arrangements in Support of the 2009/10 Budget Strategy (to follow)

Meeting: 18/11/2008 - Cabinet (Item 93)

* Streamlining Senior Management Arrangements in Support of the 2009/10 Budget Strategy

Concerns staffing matters (paragraph 1)


Received a report from the Chief Executive on proposals to streamline senior management arrangements with a view to achieving efficiency savings.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve all of its Community Priorities, to authorise the Chief Executive to:


(i)  bring forward detailed proposals for the council’s organisational structure to be delivered through four main departments instead of five departments; and


(ii)  carry out appropriate consultation with JNC and other senior officers.


Noted that the Chief Executive will bring back any substantive or material issues which arise through consultation that would affect the principles established in the report.  Also that in the forthcoming reports on the budget 2009/10 the present estimate is that it is possible to streamline senior management at first, second and third tier through efficiency savings by the net reduction of some 15 – 18 posts, saving the Council £1.1m per annum in a full year effect.