Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring 2004/05

Meeting: 15/03/2005 - Cabinet (Item 345)

345 Performance Monitoring 2004/05 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Members are asked to bring with them the papers that were circulated for the meeting on 22 February, when this item was originally due to be considered.


Received the third quarter monitoring report in respect of the Council’s Best Value Performance Plan targets for 2004/05.  Noted that the format for future performance monitoring presentations is to be revised to facilitate a more in-depth understanding and debate of key performance indicators by Members of the Executive. 


The Corporate Management Team gave a presentation on the performance against a range of key indicators including the Council’s Local Public Service Agreement (LPSA) targets.  Requested that additional information be provided in respect of the following:


(i)  BV174 – number of racial incidents recorded by the Authority per 100,000 population – The information required by Minute 190(1) (16 November 2004) be provided to Councillor Bramley;


(ii)  LPSA 8(1) & (2) – cleanliness of highways – The information required by Minute 190(4) be provided to Councillor McCarthy.


(iii)  BV56 – percentage of items of equipment delivered within 7 working days – Details of the current position regarding the provision of aids and adaptations be sent to the Chair and Councillor Smith.


(iv)  PSA 12(5) – number of pupils completing an educational course in parks and green spaces – Details of which trips can be counted towards this indicator be provided to Councillor Bramley.

Meeting: 22/02/2005 - Cabinet (Item 305)

305 Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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