Issue - meetings

Draft Final Report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel

Meeting: 05/04/2006 - Assembly (Item 106)

106 Final Report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Received the final report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel.


Agreed, in order that consultation can be undertaken in a meaningful, efficient and cost effective way, that:


1.  A review of the methods used for preparing consultation documents and the way consultation is carried out is undertaken.  An appropriate strategy needs to be developed which has regard to cost effectiveness and is not overly bureaucratic.  This should incorporate a review of the current strategy and toolkit;


2.  The Council needs to ensure it has the capacity within the new structure to lead and manage consultation at a senior officer level;


3.  Relevant officers should be trained before undertaking consultation;


4.  A cross-departmental corporate body called a Consultation Board should be set up to co-ordinate and initially monitor all consultation.  The Board should incorporate any relevant consultative elements of the Research Governance Framework;


5.  The Consultation Board should monitor / question the following:


·  why is the consultation being proposed

·  who is going to undertake the consultation (in-house or external organisation)

·  what is the rationale for it

·  how are the results going to be analysed

·  how are the results going to be disseminated

·  how are the results going to be fedbackin a cost effective way

·  how are the results going to be used to influence decisions and/or policy and/or improve services

·  how will outcomes be monitored;


6.  The Membership of the Board should include:


·  the Executive Portfolio Holder

·  relevant senior officers

·  an Equalities and Diversity Officer;


7.  The Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel should reconvene after a maximum period of two years to review the work of the Consultation Board and assess its financial viability;


8.  Members be made aware of results of consultation exercises and alerted to any issues arising;


9.  There should be a more systematic approach to the use of existing forums for consultation;


10.  A clear distinction between service and corporate related consultation should be maintained;


11.  The contract for the Citizens’ Panel be re-tendered, and increased use be made of it, following a review of the present workings and restraints of the current contract; and


12.  Opportunities to share a Citizens’ Panel with key partners should be explored.

Meeting: 05/04/2006 - Cabinet (Item 286)

286 Draft Final Report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 78 KB


Received the draft final report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel and Councillor Denyer, the Lead Member of the Scrutiny Panel, introduced the report and highlighted the Panel’s main recommendations.  Discussed issues regarding the role and use of the Citizen’s Panel for consultation purposes and the need for all Members of the Council to be kept regularly informed of ongoing and future public consultation.


Agreed, in accordance with the Scrutiny Panel final report protocol, to note the draft final report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel and commend its formal adoption to the Assembly.


Councillor Denyer placed on record his thanks to Susan Ritchie, Consultation and Involvement Manager with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, for her services as the Panel’s external representative and to the officers that supported the Panel, particularly Jane Hargreaves, the Panel’s Independent Scrutiny Support Officer, and Valerie Dowdell, the Democratic Services Support Officer to the Panel.  The Chief Executive conveyed to Councillor Denyer the Corporate Management Team’s appreciation of the depth and quality of the Panel’s work.