Issue - meetings

Land Disposal Programme - Inclusion of Further Surplus Properties for Disposal

Meeting: 17/07/2007 - Cabinet (Item 37)

Land Disposal Programme - Inclusion of Further Surplus Properties for Disposal

Contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council (paragraph 3)

Additional documents:


Received a report concerning the disposal of a small number of non-residential properties no longer required by the Council for inclusion in the Council’s Land Disposal Programme. Members noted that the Government had been pressing local authorities to dispose of their surplus assets for some time and this has been reinforced by Comprehensive Performance Assessment (Use of Resources) and Asset Management Planning.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of Regenerating the Local Economy”, “Improving Health, Housing and Social Care” “Raising General Pride in the Borough” and to promote the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area, to:


1.  All surplus general fund land and properties are appropriated into the portfolio of non-operational land for decisions on disposal or alternative use;


2.  The new protocol for decision making outlined in Appendix B of the report and consultation with lead and ward Members in relation to potential land disposals;


3.  The Corporate Director of Regeneration presenting a policy paper to a future Executive meeting on supported housing that sets out demand and supply issues for the Borough;


4.  The Corporate Director of Regeneration presenting an update to the Executive as soon as Government proposals are brought forward to give councils new powers to provide affordable housing, namely intermediate, RSL social rented and council social rented housing; and


5.  No decisions being taken on the individual sites covered in the report (Appendix A), for example whether the new protocol applies to these cases, until further discussions take place between officers and Members; at which time proposals will be brought back to Executive.