Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring 2005/06

Meeting: 27/06/2006 - Cabinet (Item 24)

24 Performance Monitoring 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

The Performance Monitoring graphs have been circulated to Executive Members under separate cover and will also be available on the Internet, in the Members’ Rooms and at public libraries.

Additional documents:


Received a report providing an overview of the Planning and Performance Management Framework and the impact on Performance Monitoring, together with the un-audited End of Year results for 2005/06 for a selection of the following performance indicators:


·  Best Value Performance Indicators (statutory)

·  Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) Performance Indicators

·  Local Public Service Agreements (LPSA) targets

·  Member Portfolio Holder Performance Indicators


Agreed, in order to ensure that the Council’s performance continues to improve in order for Barking and Dagenham to become a ‘Good’ Council by 2006 and ‘Excellent’ by 2008, a number of further actions that needed to be taken.

Meeting: 13/06/2006 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Performance Monitoring 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

The Performance Monitoring graphs will be circulated to Members under separate cover and will also be available on the Internet, in the Members’ Rooms and at public libraries.

Additional documents:


Deferred to the next meeting.