Issue - meetings

Joint Audit and Inspection Letter 2004/05

Meeting: 01/02/2006 - Assembly (Item 85)

85 Local Issue - 2004 / 2005 Joint Audit and Inspection Letter pdf icon PDF 377 KB

Janette Whitfield from the Audit Commission will be present to answer questions on the 2004 / 2005 Joint Audit and Inspection Letter

Additional documents:


Janette Whitfield from the Audit Commission was present to answer questions on the inspection element of the 2004 / 2005 Joint Audit and Inspection Letter, which was presented to the Assembly meeting on 4 January 2006.


Members of the Council asked questions covering the following areas:

·  The level of involvement of Members in providing challenge to the efficiency and the value for money agenda;

·  The services and actions required to meet the community’s expectations and how well we are placed to address these

·  What services need further improvement?

·  What does “improving adequately” really mean?


Janette Whitfield’s responses identified that most services were in a robust state and those that needed improvement were included in her report.  She was also comfortable with the Council’s direction of travel.

Meeting: 04/01/2006 - Assembly (Item 79)

79 Local Issue - 2004 / 2005 Joint Audit and Inspection Letter pdf icon PDF 375 KB

Janet Dawson of PricewaterhouseCoopers will present the 2004 / 2005 Joint Audit and Inspection Letter


Received a presentation of the 2004 / 2005 Joint Audit and Inspection Letter from Janet Dawson and Hywel Pullen of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).


Due to illness Janette Whitfield from the Audit Commission was unable to attend, and the Chair asked that she be invited to a future Assembly meeting in order to present the inspection part of the audit letter.


PWC identified the challenging agenda the Council faces particularly in regard to the pace of improvements being made, and highlighted several key points including the level of Council reserves and its Medium Term Financial Strategy, the progress made by the Authority in the area of Risk Management, and the Authority’s effective use of the Oracle system.


Members of the Council asked questions covering the following areas:

·  the role of Councillors in providing challenge to the efficiency and value for money agenda;

·  the Council making appropriate progress in its ambition to achieve the equivalent of ‘Good’ under CPA by 2006 and ‘Excellent’ by 2008;

·  the role of residents in the auditor’s assessment; and

·  the level of detail in the Audit report;