Issue - meetings

Housing Futures - PFI Expression of Interest

Meeting: 21/02/2006 - Cabinet (Item 253)

253 Housing Futures - PFI Expression of Interest pdf icon PDF 39 KB


Received a report concerning the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Expression of Interest (EOI).  PFI option is a major initiative aimed at making 20 high rise blocks decent by 2010 and beyond.  The PFI initiative will allocate resources that can be used to meet the criteria.


The report sought approval for officers to submit an Expression of Interest for the PFI proposal, which comprises 20 tower blocks and 1435 dwellings as detailed the report. 


Agreed, in order to help deliver the Government’s Decent Homes standard by 2010, to:


1.  The approach set out in the report detailing the Council’s response to Decent Homes Standards, the outcome of which would be announced by June 2006;


2.  Delegate to the Director of Housing and Health, in consultation with the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer, authority to finalise the EOI within the parameters detailed in the report and submit the EOI to the ODPM by 31 March 2006;


3.  The broad framework for “The Expression of Interest for making 20 high rise blocks decent” due to be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by 31 March 2006;


4.  Note that ward specific proposals will be subject to discussion with ward members prior to submission to Community Housing Partnership meetings, and


5.  Ward members being appointed to the PFI Project Board.