Issue - meetings

Extensions and De-Conversions Programme 2006-08

Meeting: 04/03/2008 - Cabinet (Item 134)

Extensions and De-Conversions Programme 2007-09


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Regeneration seeking approval to a further phase of Extensions and De-conversions programme to provide an additional three extended 4/5 bedroom homes, a new one bedroom mobility standard flat and funding a continuing programme of such extensions.


Noted that the programme had proved very effective in meeting the housing needs of local families.


Agreed, to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of “Improving Health, Housing and Social Care” and “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer, to:


(i)  The proposed conversion and refurbishment, at a total estimated cost of £338,000, inclusive of professional fees, to the three identified properties;

(ii)  The Corporate Director of Regeneration, in consultation with the Divisional Director of Democratic and Legal Services, appoint individual contracts on an individual property basis from approved Constructionline contractors;

(iii)  Allocate £500,000 from the Housing Capital Programme for 2007/08/9 to fund the works and, in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing, identify any further properties to meet future need; 

(iv)  The relevant budget transfer from the Decent Homes programme budget as outlined in the report;  and

(v)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Regeneration to pursue grant funding from the Greater London Authority Targeted Funding Stream for 2008/09 through the East London Housing Partnership.