Issue - meetings

Places of Religious Worship and Associated Community Spaces Policy Scrutiny Panel - Final Report

Meeting: 14/10/2008 - Cabinet (Item 70)

70 Places of Religious Worship and Associated Community Spaces Policy Scrutiny Panel - Final Report pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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Received a report from the Places of Religious Worship and Associated Community Facilities Policy Scrutiny Panel which considered a policy on support for premises of religious worship in the borough and how places of religious worship may be provided for in future regeneration schemes, as well as the availability of council resources to meet demand.


The Panel took into account evidence from a number of relevant religious organisations, and internal and external witnesses, considering the nature and scale of demand and reference was also made to relevant experience from elsewhere in the UK. The panel reviewed relevant planning and other policy guidance including that relating to race equality and social cohesion. 


Councillor McDermott thanked officers for their hard work in assisting the Scrutiny Panel.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council achieve its Community Priority of ‘Promoting Equal Opportunities and Celebrating Diversity’, to recommend to the Assembly the adoption of the proposed policy.


The Executive thanked Councillor McDermott and the Scrutiny Panel for their work.