Issue - meetings

Transforming Out of Hours Services

Meeting: 12/08/2008 - Cabinet (Item 33)

Transforming Out Of Hours Services Through the London Connects Shared Services Initiative

Concerns a contractual matter (paragraph 3)


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services and the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services detailing the Council’s proposals for transforming Out of Hours Services through the London Connects Shared Services Initiative.


This report outlines the proposals for entering into the joint Out of Hours call handling service for London local authorities.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve all of its Community Priorities and as a matter of good financial practise, to:


(i)  the delivery of the Borough’s out of hours emergency telephone service via the London Connects shared service; and


(ii)  authorise the Corporate Directors of Customer Service and Adult and Community Service, in consultation with the Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services, to enter into the necessary agreements.