Issue - meetings

Proposed Retention of the Site of Former Jo Richardson School, Cannington Road for a New School

Meeting: 10/03/2009 - Cabinet (Item 153)

Proposed Retention of the Site of Former Jo Richardson School, Cannington Road for a New School

Concerns land disposal matters (paragraph 3)

Additional documents:


Following an initial decision to dispose of the site of former Jo Richardson School, and recent subsequent demographic changes in the borough,  received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources requesting a review of the decision and proposing to build a 3 Form Primary School on the site.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of ‘Better Education and Learning For All’ and ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’ to the removal of site of the former Jo Richardson School, Cannington Road from the Council’s disposal programme and for it to be re-allocated to Children’s Services for the provision of a new Primary School.