Issue - meetings

The Council's Budget 2010/11 to 2012/13

Meeting: 24/02/2010 - Assembly (Item 68)

68 The Council's Budget 2010/11 to 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report also includes the report “Council Plan Update 2010-11 Incorporating the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2010-11 to 2012-13” listed as Agenda Item 10.

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services (CDFCS) introduced the report by making a brief presentation covering:


  • the background to a place survey carried out in 2009,
  • the outcomes of that survey,
  • Revenue Budget proposals for 2010/11,
  • Council Tax,
  • how the budget had been scrutinised, and
  • the Alternative budget proposals (BNP)


Referring to the alternative budget proposals submitted by the British National Party (BNP) as presented as a supplementary report to the Council’s budget, the CDFCS confirmed that as the Council’s Section 151 Officer overall it was balanced and largely robust but she had previously made it known to the BNP Leader that there were areas within the budget that she would advise against implementing due to the severe service impact or erosion of base budgets.


Councillor Bramley, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Human Resources, introduced the budget proposals that were agreed by the Executive on 16 February 2010.  In presenting the detail he thanked the CDFCS and her staff for their support during the budget preparation process.


Councillor Bramley stated that in freezing the Council Tax for an unprecedented second consecutive year this Labour administration has delivered on its promises to the people of Barking and Dagenham.  The budget is balanced and robust and provides for a sound base to move forward in the difficult financial times ahead. 


It is recognised that the Council’s reserves need replenishing and this budget commences that process.  He spoke of his pride in the huge capital programme which commits the Council to investing a total of £394 million over the next three years.


This significant investment is only possible because of the careful financial approach taken by the Council over the past twelve months, and has enabled amongst other things the recommencement of a Council house building programme as well as major expenditure in the fabric of our school buildings, and in so doing creating new primary school places. 


Councillor Bramley referred to the superb nationally recognised Apprentice Scheme, the introduction of the Youth Access card, the support given to reduce domestic violence, as well as the three stars achieved in Adult Care as examples of how well this Council is doing and therefore it was with great satisfaction that he was presenting the budget to this Assembly for approval this evening.


Councillor Liam Smith in his capacity as the Leader of the Council, referring to the alternative proposals for the BNP, as he saw them, was pleased to see that the harebrained schemes dreamed up last year had now been dropped.  That said this BNP budget, which followed five days after the publication of the Labour budget, merely takes their Labour proposals with a few add ons.  He stated that it was not possible to keep tapping into reserves as the BNP suggests, but that what was needed was sustainable and robust budget planning for the next ten years, not the here and now that this alternative budget seeks to achieve.


He referred to the BNP suggestion of cutting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68