Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework: Supplementary Planning Document “Saturation Point: Addressing the Health Impacts of Hot Food Takeaways”

Meeting: 21/07/2010 - Assembly (Item 15)

15 Local Development Framework: Supplementary Planning Document “Saturation Point: Addressing the Health Impacts of Hot Food Takeaways” pdf icon PDF 17 KB

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Received and noted this report introduced by Councillor McCarthy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration.


Members commended the report and congratulated Councillor McCarthy and officers for bringing it to the Assembly.


Referring to page 120 of the Agenda and the fixed fee charge of £1,000 to be sought through a Section 106 Agreement where hot food takeaways are deemed appropriate, Members requested that the outcomes of this be reviewed and reported back to the Assembly at a future date.


Agreed to adopt the “Saturation Point – Addressing the Health Impacts of Hot Food Takeaways” Supplementary Planning Document.

Meeting: 08/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Local Development Framework: Supplementary Planning Document “Saturation Point: Addressing the Health Impacts of Hot Food Takeaways” pdf icon PDF 146 KB

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Further to Minute 40 (20 July 2009), received a report from the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services on the outcome of the public consultation on the proposed planning policy in relation to hot food takeaway premises.  The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) received strong support from academic institutions and health organisations but also strong objection from a number of fast food operators, with a threat of a legal challenge by one major franchise.


The SPD aims to reduce the risk of obesity amongst the Borough’s population and, in particular, children through a range of measures.  Issues that arose during our discussions included:-


  • The need to enforce street litter control notices and premises licence conditions in relation to noise and anti-social behaviour.  The Interim Corporate Director of Customer Services confirmed that McDonalds already provide their own litter patrols and others would be encouraged to follow suit, with enforcement action being taken where appropriate;
  • The welcoming of the £1,000 one-off fixed approval fee for any new hot food takeaway premises;
  • Officers to review the powers available to the Council with a view to preventing ‘Use Class A5’ premises being left vacant for many years solely because of the higher rental income that hot food takeaways attract over other types of retail outlet;
  • Officers to look into expanding on initiatives such as the Healthy Eating Awards and the “Scores on the Door” premises hygiene and food preparation rating system, and to make this information available to the public via the Council’s website and other communication channels;
  • The need for the Development Control Board to be fully informed of this new policy to ensure that it is reflected in the consideration of any new applications for A5 Use premises, as a key aim is to cap the number of hot food takeaway premises to current levels.


Agreed, to assist in achieving the Community Priority of “A Healthy Borough”, to recommend the Assembly to adopt the “Saturation Point – Addressing the Health Impacts of Hot Food Takeaways” Supplementary Planning Document.