Issue - meetings

Council Housing New Build (Council Housing Phase 2 & Thames View Garage Sites)

Meeting: 16/03/2010 - Cabinet (Item 138)

138 Construction of New Council Housing - Beamway, Dagenham and Charlton Crescent 1 and 2 Sites, Thames View, Barking pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Further to Minutes 89 (17 November 2009) and 116 (19 January 2010), received a report on proposals in respect of the procurement of construction partners for the new housing at Beamway and Charlton Crescent 1 and 2 sites, being part of Phase 2 Council Housing and Thames View garage sites.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving the Community Priority “Prosperous” through increasing the supply and range of family sized social rented housing, to:


  (i)  The procurement of construction services, in accordance with national and EU procurement legislation and the Council’s Contract Rules, in respect of the Phase 2 Council Housing and Thames View sites at Beamway, Dagenham and Charlton Crescent sites 1 and 2, Thames View, Barking, as detailed in the report; and


  (ii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Resources, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services and Legal Partners, to award the contract.