Issue - meetings

Return of Planning Powers from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC) to LBBD

Meeting: 21/07/2010 - Assembly (Item 13)

13 Return of Planning Powers from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC) to LBBD pdf icon PDF 17 KB

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Received and noted this report introduced by Councillor McCarthy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration.


Councillors welcomed the move to return planning powers from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation to the Council.  Councillor L Waker stated that in his opinion a step in the right direction would be for the Council to have a plan and a vision for the land.


The Planning Advisory Services’ offer to provide tailored training to Members of the Development Control Board was also noted.


Agreed to support the return of planning powers from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation to the Council.

Meeting: 08/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Return of Planning Powers from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC) to LBBD pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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Received a report from the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services on the possible return of planning powers that were transferred from the Council to the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC) on 31 October 2005.


The Council responded positively to an invitation last year from the Department for Communities and Local Government to express an interest in reacquiring its planning powers.  Officers’ view was that it would remove the duplication and delays that characterise the current system and also to increase local accountability.  However, the Council also supported the option of the LTGDC maintaining its regeneration delivery role provided it was working to an agreed set of priorities with its partners.  It is possible that the planning powers could be returned by 1 October 2010 or, if that date is not achieved, by 1 April 2011. 


The issue of the additional risks for the Council in taking back these responsibilities was raised, with particular reference to the costs associated with possible legal challenges by applicants who have been refused permission for schemes that would currently fall under the remit of the LTGDC.  Officers clarified a number of points and referred to the proposal that Members of the Development Control Board receive specific training by the Planning Advisory Service on aspects of the new responsibilities, which the Cabinet endorsed.


Agreed, in order to help deliver the Community Priority “Fair and Respectful”, to recommend the Assembly to support the return of planning powers from LTGDC to the Council.