Issue - meetings

Building Schools for the Future - Progress Report

Meeting: 28/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 44)

Building Schools for the Future - Sample Schools Final Business Case Approval

The report is included under separate cover (Supplementary 2). 

The report is exempt from publication as it contains commercially sensitive information (paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)).

Additional documents:


Further to Minutes 15 and 17 (8 and 14 June 2010), the Cabinet Member for Children and Education presented a report on the current position with regards to the Local Education Partnership (LEP) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) strands of the Council’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme.


On 24 July 2010, the Secretary of State for Education cancelled the national BSF programme.  Following successful lobbying by the Council and its MPs, approval was given for the Borough’s two sample schemes (Dagenham Park Church of England School and Sydney Russell Comprehensive School) to progress under the LEP procurement.  Funding was also allocated for the ICT project but as it fell short of the amount required by the ICT financial model it has been necessary to undertake further work and negotiations, which it was noted will be the subject of a future report to Cabinet.


The Cabinet Member introduced the Final Business Case, which requires the approval of Partnerships for Schools and the Department for Education in order for the necessary funding to be released, and outlined the formal steps to be taken to secure the necessary agreements with the various parties.  The Cabinet Member also advised that planning approval for the Dagenham Park project had been granted at last evening’s Development Control Board.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority “Inspired and Successful”, to:


  (i)  Approve the Final Business Case attached at Appendix 1 to the report for submission to Partnerships for Schools and the Department for Education ;


  (ii)  The formation of the Local Education Partnership and entering into of the following Project Documents and other associated legal documentation:


a)  the Shareholders’ Agreement to form the LEP;

b)  the Strategic Partnering Agreement with the LEP;

c)  the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contract Project Agreement and the Funders Direct Agreement for Dagenham Park Church of England School;

d)  the Design & Build contract for Sydney Russell Comprehensive School subject to the Agreement of the Governing Body;

e)  the Facilities Management Agreement for Sydney Russell Comprehensive School subject to the Agreement of the Governing Body.


  (iii)  The financial commitments entailed in the LEP and Special Purpose Vehicle formation.